Threads app by Instagram

A Comprehensive Guide to Using Threads App by Instagram

Twitter revolutionized digital communication with its microblogging concept that initially allowed people to share their thoughts in only 140 characters, a limit later increased to 280. Twitter quickly gained popularity due to its unique real-time information sharing capability. It played an instrumental role in various global events such as the Arab Spring of 2010 and…

How to get started with Substack

Beginner’s Guide to Substack, a blogging alternative to WordPress

Substack is a fully hosted FREE platform that helps you set up a blog and email newsletter without any technical or coding knowledge. They make it easy for any content creator to publish their work, build an audience and then monetize it with paid subscriptions. The best part? No ads, algorithms or censorship will get…

ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Guide

ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Guide and Collection of some Handy Prompts

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm since its release, attracting millions of users who are eager to utilize its human-like conversational chatbot service. While some users find it helpful, others have been less impressed, encountering limitations and issues during their interactions. One crucial aspect to consider is how users communicate with ChatGPT. Simple commands…